Monthly Archives: Nov 2017

Day #329 The Christmas Monthish

I don’t know if I’ve mellowed out a bit this year, or if I’ve just stopped paying attention, but I haven’t really been bothered much by the early appearance of Christmas decorations. There are always a few places that just can’t wait a decent amount of time, but lately I seem to have become more…

Day #327 Sheltered [Dinosaur Error]

I had a nice post all written up about this photo. It was about underestimating our kids’ capacity to understand the brutal law of the jungle. I even had an intelligent-sounding reference to Lord of the Flies and an explanation involving five little monkeys and a crocodile and why taunting is dangerous to your health (hint:…

Day #326 “Innocence tube”

The Mister doesn’t take anywhere near as many photos as I do, but when he does they’re usually excellent. He has a knack for capturing the truly funny side of parenting. This was a photograph he took while I was out of the house yesterday. I thought it was an excellent composition. Our  friends, however,…

Day #325 Giving thanks, the Irish way

Years and years ago I was studying abroad in London. I went to visit a college friend who was studying abroad in Dublin and she introduced me to the Mister. Fast forward and we both ended up in Ireland and she imported to our circle of Irish friends the American pot luck Thanksgiving Dinner tradition.…

Day #323 Bereft**

I seem to be cursed with having extremely literary friends. I know several who have written books at this stage. Some are self-published, some are gaining steam in the traditional publishing world. Some are in the process of writing or shopping agents. I don’t mean this in a dismissive way of “oh everyone is writing…

Day #320 The literal strawman: sexual harassment in children’s literature

Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock these days has noticed that there’s a new laser-focus in the mainstream media and on social media on the topic of sexual harassment. It’s been slowly building up steam for a while, leading up to the most recent #MeToo campaign to highlight how wide spread the issue…