Tag Archives: Humour

#439 The gift that keeps on giving

Heeeeey, I’m still here! I know, I know…. what happened? I had this blog and I really loved writing, and then this pandemic happens and I’m stuck at home for weeks and weeks, there’s no better time to start writing more, right? RIGHT? Turns out I’m wrong. Lockdown with your husband and your five year…

#428 Old dog, new tricks

First of all, I’m not old. I’m only going to be celebrating my second thirty-ninth birthday later this year so I’m simply older and wiser and all those other good things that come with maturity and experience, m’kay? The title of this post is just a convenient expression about how one never really stops learning…

#425 To the moon and back

Kids ask you the strangest things. When they’re just learning to talk, pretty much any answer will garner you one of two responses: either a “why?” or “ok.” When they’re older, however, you have to think your answers through a bit more thoroughly as kids discover the hallowed journalistic talent of asking the dreaded “Follow…

#409 Alternative Facts (27)

Do you ever sit there, ready to tear your hair out, rant and kick and scream about the circumstances in which you find yourself, seeing every error you have made that led you to where you are right that second? Yeah that’s what it’s like arguing with a four year old. Once you start down…

#394 Sick day, the third (12)

“Mommmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” This is how I’m usually greeted when I collect Hawkeye from creche at the end of the day, accompanied by a dash at top speed and a crushing bear hug. Lately, I’ve taken to preemptively dropping down to one knee and bracing myself for the onslaught. Some things are predictable, you see. “Let’s go…

#389 Christmas overload: Ho-ho-holy sh*t! (7)

These days, when Hawkeye and I have to walk home from the train station (about twenty or twenty five minutes at the pace of a mommy, I’m tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired four year old) or when I need to distract him from the deplorable absence of biscuits on the bus, I pass the time by having him look for…

#381 Rolling Rrrrrs

While getting dressed myself this morning I overheard Hawkeye talking to the Mister while getting dressed in his own room with daddy’s help: “I’m now a lion wobot.” “You mean, you’re a robot.” “Lion rwobot,” Hawkeye sounded out more carefully. Ever mindful of my failure as a bilingual parent to pass on a second language…