All posts by The Feathered Rose

#440 Compassion

Hello there, I thought I’d dust the ol’ blog off a bit and try writing something again. The pandemic has killed off a lot of my initiative for creativity, mostly by sucking all the brain energy out of me, but once in a blue moon something floats up from the depths that contains the kernel…

#439 The gift that keeps on giving

Heeeeey, I’m still here! I know, I know…. what happened? I had this blog and I really loved writing, and then this pandemic happens and I’m stuck at home for weeks and weeks, there’s no better time to start writing more, right? RIGHT? Turns out I’m wrong. Lockdown with your husband and your five year…

#438 Seashells by the Seashore

This is going to be part of a series of learning at home with Hawkeye during the global coronavirus pandemic Hawkeye: On Sunday Mommy and Daddy and me (but not Mr. Darcy our cat) went to the beach. (Mommy: We were responsible and socially distant from everyone else.) Hawkeye: On the beach we collected shells.…

#437 Steeped in history

I am a history buff. Have been for years. I’m not exactly sure how it’s started, though I suspect a particular European history teacher in Exeter had a hand in it, making it interesting and all that (how dare he?) by somehow finding the ridiculous and the sublime in every era, every conflict, every revolution we…

#433 The Accidental Gardener

This post was something I had in mind to write last summer when my blog was in temporary hibernation, but as cold temperatures have given way to sunshine and warmth, and everything outside has sprouted leaves and is furiously blooming, I’ve found the sentiment to be just as true this year as last year, and…