Monthly Archives: Feb 2019

#428 Old dog, new tricks

First of all, I’m not old. I’m only going to be celebrating my second thirty-ninth birthday later this year so I’m simply older and wiser and all those other good things that come with maturity and experience, m’kay? The title of this post is just a convenient expression about how one never really stops learning…

#427 Jumping

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you’re on a roller coaster heading down the hill really fast? Or even better, jumping off a cliff into water? Ok, I’ll be honest, I don’t really know that feeling myself first hand. I mean, yes I’ve been on a roller coaster…

#426 Swimming upstream

This evening I ended up contemplating fish. Specifically, fish swimming upstream. Have you ever had that kind of a day where everything is a slog? A fight? A grit-your-teeth-and-hang-on-to-your-sanity-by-your-fingertips-with-all-your-might sort of struggle? I was in the middle of yoga class, clearly having failed to empty my mind and let go of all those bothersome concerns…

#425 To the moon and back

Kids ask you the strangest things. When they’re just learning to talk, pretty much any answer will garner you one of two responses: either a “why?” or “ok.” When they’re older, however, you have to think your answers through a bit more thoroughly as kids discover the hallowed journalistic talent of asking the dreaded “Follow…

#424 “I see better from a distance”

I rolled out of bed this morning after a blessed sleep and did my normal bleary-eyed check on the state of things in the world via my phone. Time? Boo-yah that was a great sleep. Weather? Cold. Email? Nothing urgent. Messenger comment from a friend? Noted. Facebook notifications and feed? Done, done, done … oh…